



  • 希伯来语

    希伯来语 instruction in Kitah Aleph is the foundation for all further 希伯来语 language acquisition. 阅读和写作是今年的主要目标. 采用综合方法, 学生们被教导阅读希伯来语单词, sentences and short stories with accuracy and comprehension. Furthermore, students learn to read and write in both 希伯来语 print and script. 使用对日常生活有意义的词汇, the students are able to participate in short 希伯来语 conversations.
  • 犹太人的研究

    Jewish rituals, history and middot are the heart and soul of our 犹太人的研究 curriculum. Holidays, Parashat Hashavuah, Tefillah, and Israel are all studied with these goals in mind. The students learn the mechanics and meanings of the tefillot and brachot in their daily davening and tefillah discussions. Towards the end of the year, Chumash skills are also introduced.
  • 语言艺术

    We strive to help students develop the enthusiasm and motivation to independently read and write. Our balanced literacy program works to build students’ fluency. 全班大声朗读, 分享阅读, and leveled reading groups target each student at his or her own literacy level. Students learn and practice phonics and apply these skills to their authentic reading. In small reading groups, we use guided reading to hone both phonics and comprehension skills. We learn critical thinking skills to help deepen comprehension of the text. 读与写相辅相成, 因为我们提供了探索非小说的机会, 小说, 创意写作体裁. 我们的扫盲课程是跨学科的, incorporating other subjects to weave a holistic literacy experience. Publishing books is an important project-based way that students’ demonstrate their understanding and practice their writing skills.
  • 数学

    The primary goal of the math curriculum is to build students’ foundational understanding of number concepts and number relationships. 我们与数字打交道, incorporating activities and games to help sharpen students’ understanding in a real-world context. 我们学习和探索:
    • 比较和排序数字
    • 个位和十位的值
    • Developing automaticity with addition and subtraction facts
    • 几何形状
    • 时间和报时的概念
    • 测量
    • 分数
    • 货币:硬币及其价值
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校 is committed to a quality 体育课 Program which is an essential part of the core curriculum deserving and receiving equal priority in the total educational philosophy of the school. Research from several scientific studies are in agreement that daily physical activity improves cognitive function, 在课堂上的成就表现, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, the total improved physical health and fitness of the individual, 让孩子更快乐,更健康. It is with this in mind that each week the students in the lower school (grades 1-5) are provided 4 periods of physical education (30 minutes each).
  • 科学

    一年级, WDS students learn about the world as they develop their science and investigative skills. First graders use the scientific method and learn to use measurement tools as they do investigative units on sinking and floating, 物质的状态, 天气和水循环. Students use the WDS property as they create weather tools and track weather patterns. They also learn about their own bodies through units on our senses and the healthy eating.





威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.